23/12/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 26/01/77
Experience wonderful activity through the subtle power of introspection.
Do you now clearly know the real power of silence? Just as you are able to see the practical results of the powers ofspeech and actions, in the same way, have you experienced the practical results of silence; the most elevated power?Just as you are able to transform souls by talking to them, so too, have you experienced transforming the attitude andvision of others with your power of silence, that is, through your thoughts? Through words, you can only transformthose who are in front of you. However, through the mind, that is, through the power of silence, no matter how faraway souls may be, you can make them experience being personally in front of you. Just as through the instrumentsof science, you are able to see distant scenes in front of you, in the same way, with the power of silence, no distancewill be felt; you as well as the others, will experience that scene to be in front of you. This is known as the power ofyoga. Just as the instruments of science will only work when there is an accurate connection with the main station, inthe same way, only when you constantly have a clear connection with BapDada can you experience the power ofsilence. In science, it is a question of just the connection, whereas here, a connection means to experience allrelationships clearly; only then will you be able to see the practical results of the power of the mind.
As yet, very little subtle service of invoking souls and transforming them through the power of the mind is beingdone. Through their spiritual practice, semipure souls are able to invoke souls, through their spiritual endeavour,they are able to show miracles to souls at a distance; through their temporary means, they attract them towardsthemselves. Therefore, what can Godly power, that is, the most elevated power, not achieve? For this, you especiallyneed the power of concentration; concentration of thoughts and stability of stage. The basis of these is introspection.By having introspection, you will internally have many wonderful divine experiences. Through divine vision, you areable to see the divine activities of the subtle region, the subtle world. In the same way, through the subtle power ofintrospection, you will experience wonderful activities. Are you able to experience the divine activity of invokingsouls, of having a hearttoheart conversation with souls, of transforming the nature and sanskars of souls and ofenabling souls to forge a connection with the Supreme Father? Are you able to give blessings of peace, power andhealth from a distance to souls who are unaccomplished, peaceless, unhappy and diseased? The method of givingblessings in the nonliving images of the Shaktis is portrayed by the particular way the hands are shown. The pose ofgiving blessings is that of completely stable hands, vision and thoughts. Now, in your living form, in order to be ableto do spiritual service in the world of spirits, in this living world, itself, not in the incorporeal world, you mustincrease the power of stability. Souls should be able to invoke other souls and serve them spiritually. Now,experience the wonder of this spiritual activity. When you do this spiritual service with a fast speed, the conflict thatarises due to the consciousness of "mine" and "yours" in serving through words and deeds, the conflict of name, fame,prestige etc. and the conflict of sanskars and nature, the feeling of a lack of time and money all obstacles of this typewill end. You will thereby develop the sanskar of spiritual service and will remain engaged in service with thissanskar. Now, this year, start this type of powerful service. Give all souls who come into contact with you throughwords or through the practical impact of your life, and those who you still hope will come into contact with you, theexperience of spiritual power. You have already given them the experience of your efforts and your elevated stage.Now, together with both these experiences, also give them the experience of your spirituality. Let them experience allthese three.
By the next Shiv Ratri, create such a subtle and physical stage that souls who come into contact with you have anexperience of their own soul and of spirituality; that whilst listening to the sound of your voice, they experiencethemselves in a stage beyond sound. Organise a special programme for such contact souls. Let it be your aim, notmerely to lecture, but to give them an experience. You may organise small groups, but your aim must be to bringthem closer by giving them the experience of spirituality and a relationship with the spiritual Father. Do somethingnew! Your own stage and the atmosphere of the gathering's venue should attract people from a distance. Thequestion of giving a general message is different. You may do that, but this kind of programme is essential. For this,the instrument souls, that is, the serviceable souls, must take a pledge of maintaining their stage of concentration andintrospection. Through this they will be able to transform the attitude of others. You know that the devotees hold afast of physical food. You knowledgefull, serviceable souls should fast by staying beyond any upheaval of wastethoughts, wasteful words and wasteful deeds and maintain your stability, that is, your spirituality. Only then will yoube able to show other souls the miracles of the Sun of Knowledge. Make an extraordinary plan. In bhakti, thefragrance of incense sticks attracts others from a distance. In the same way, the power of stability should attract froma distance. Do you understand what you now have to do? Develop a relationship with those who are in contact withyou, and with such experiences, make those special souls your mikes to spread the knowledge. Achcha.
To souls who give the experience of spirituality through stability; to those who remain engaged in service at everysecond and in every thought; to the spiritual servers who give an experience of comfort to other souls, BapDada'slove, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada's meeting with Didi ji:In the corporeal form, you saw many practical examples of the power of stability. Whilst sitting at a distance,children used to experience BapDada especially remembering them or giving them special power. Thoughts andactivities were found to be matching on both sides. You experienced this in practice, did you not? Just as whensomeone calls you by telephone the bell rings, in the same way, when children receive Baba's directions through amessage or through thoughts, the waves of happiness rise inside within the soul so that they have goosepimples ofhappiness. However, some ignore the telephone and let it ring, and so are not able to receive the message. In thesame way, although children definitely experience this, they move along with carelessness. They are not able tounderstand the divine wonder of the power of stability, but, they definitely do experience it. In the same way, somesouls also have an experience of other souls. However, just as when there is interference on the line or the telegraphpoles, so that a message cannot be conveyed, due to that influence of the atmosphere or environment, in the sameway, here, there is the influence of attitude. Because of having a disturbed attitude, you are not able to catch themessage. This year, a group should be prepared of those who have the determination to maintain the power ofstability, so that they are able to have these unique experiences. One is like receiving diamonds and jewels by goingto the bottom of the ocean, and the other to experience moving along with the waves of the ocean of knowledge. Youhave had the experience of moving along with the waves; now you have to go to the bottom of the ocean. Invaluabletreasures are found at the bottom. By making this aspect firm, you will easily be able to step away from everythingelse. This is known as having thoughts of the original self, selfrealisation and powerful service. This is the stage ofa lightandmighthouse. Then, you will have to donate through your drishti. This is the stage of taking someonebeyond with just a glance. The power of stability can show you many wonders. Those with occult power attain theirpower with the power of stability. You can even cure yourself with the power of stability. You can make manydiseased souls completely free from disease. You can have many unique experiences through this power. To stopsomething moving is the result of the power of stability.
When something stops when you say, "Stop!", then the drums of victory of your being the bestowers of blessings willbeat. At present, they only beat the drums of "wah! wah!". You have given very good lectures and worked very hardand your life has become very good. Later, they will beat the drums of victory. So now, do you understand what theaim and object is for this year? You need to do double service. You can do this special service at amrit vela. At thattime, you will also be able to hear the call of the devotees. You will feel as though someone is personally calling you. Therefore, you have to increase this power. Whatever time you have, two minutes, five minutes, just experience thepower of stability. By accumulating a little at a time, you will accumulate a lot, and then the revelation of theAlmighty Authority will take place through the Shaktis. The perfection of the Shaktis will work like a mirror for theblind. The year of perfection means to have this perfection. Achcha.
BapDada meeting the teachers:
A teacher means an angel. A teacher's duty is to be a guide and take the pilgrims to their high destination. Who cantake others to a high destination? Those who themselves are angels, that is, those who are doublelight. Only thosewho are light are able to go high up; those who are heavy come down. A teacher's duty is to take others to the highdestination. So, what will the teacher do? Become an angel. If the teacher is not an angel, then she remains downbelow and also brings others down. Do you experience yourselves as angels? To be completely light; not even tohave the burden of a body? Mud is heavy. Body consciousness is also mud (clay). When you have theconsciousness of the body, you remain heavy. When you go beyond it, you will remain light, that is, an angel. So,lighten yourself from even the awareness of the body. When you go beyond the awareness of the body, you will beable to go beyond everything else. To be an angel means to have all relationships with the Father; not to be in arelationship with even your own body. You have even returned the body to the Father who gave it to you. Once yougive something that belongs to you to someone else, your connection with it is finished. You have all accounts withthe Father and no one else. "I sit with You, I speak to You...", and so all accounts are with the Father, are they not?Since you have all accounts with the Father, then all other accounts have finished, have they not? A teacher meansone who has all accounts with the Father, that is, all relationships with the Father. Since you now belong to theFather, all past accounts have finished. This is known as being a complete beggar. A beggar does not have any bankbalance. He doesn't have any accounts any relations; neither with any person nor any physical comforts all accountshave finished. There shouldn't be any bank balance in the account of past actions. You have to have such checking.There are some who have such complicated accounts they leave behind when they die that it distresses the people leftbehind. So, do you check if all your accounts have finished? If the account of everything, of your sanskars andnature etc. have finished, then you would be empty, would you not? Only when you become light to this extent canyou become a guide and take others high up. So, do you understand what a teacher has to do? Is it easy or difficult tobecome a teacher? To become a teacher means to become equal to the Father, and so whosoever claims the seat of ateacher becomes equal to the Father. To become a teacher means to have a thought of taking responsibility. So Babaalso cooperates with you to this extent. However much responsibility someone takes, the Father is responsible togive that much cooperation. When the Father takes the responsibility, is it easy or difficult? Once you have giventhe responsibility to the Father, you should not carry that responsibility. It becomes difficult when you consideryourself to be responsible for whomsoever you become an instrument. Baba, and not you, is responsible. You do nottake the burden upon yourself, do you? Many have the habit of carrying a burden. No matter how much you tellthem, they still carry it. "This should not happen; it should not happen like this this is a burden of waste. Leaveeverything to the Father.
Belong to the Father and leave everything to Him and there will be greater progress, greater success and everythingwill be easy. BapDada has great love for teachers. Why? At least you have courage! BapDada is happy to see yourcourage, but is also amazed at those who lack courage. Teachers should not get involved with questions such aswhat? or why? etc. Otherwise, the queue of those following like that. A teacher means one who is stable in the stageof a fullstop. Those who ask questions become subjects. To apply a fullstop means to become a king. Those whoconstantly ask questions can never experience supersensuous joy. This is why the special dharna of teachers is toapply a fullstop. A teacher means to be one with a surrendered intellect; not just those who do everything accordingto the programme, but those who invent things. What new system should you invent so that the maximum number ofpeople are able to get the message easily. Each one has to create such an invention. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world by making Maya unconscious throughBapDada's company.Just as you are loving to the Father, so too, make Baba your companion and Maya will become unconscious from adistance. The promise you made at the beginning: I eat with You, I sit with You, I comfort myself with You.Perform every task of the daily timetable according to this promise and Maya will not be able to disturb you, butinstead, she will be destroyed. Constantly keep your Companion with you. With the power of the company and bybeing absorbed in Baba's love, you will become a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world.
Slogan: Constantly keep the line of your intellect clear and you will be able to understand the feelings of each other'smind.
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